Monday, September 1, 2008

Fresh Berry tarts

I have been baking yet not posting since we since don’t have internet at the condo. It’s really my own fault as I couldn’t decide which company I wanted to go with. After weeks of going back and forth, we...well "I" finally decided. So we’ll be getting it by the end of the week! Being the first day of September, let’s reflect on something summery.

I had lots of sweet fresh berries this summer but didn’t have a chance to bake with them with all the craziness of moving and planning. With the extra dough remaining from the apricot tarts, I decided to use it to make berry tarts. I picked up some blueberries, raspberries and strawberries from the supermarket. Being this late in the summer, they weren’t that sweet yet it’s perfect with the combination of pastry cream on the tarts. I had some cherries in the fridge which I dipped into milk chocolate to make them prettier. I love making tarts – I think my favourite is still mango tarts. I must not overdose on tarts.

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