Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Sesame Cake

This cake was on my “to-try” list for ages. Of course, I didn’t get around to it until now. Last night was the perfect chance to try it; I had buttermilk, sesame oil and toasted black sesame on hand. I baked the cake about 10 minutes more than recommended since the recipe I got from the net didn’t mention putting the tray on the lower third of the oven. I was hesitant about the taste of the cake but it was good. You can smell the fragrant sesame oil but it’s not overpowering when you bite into the cake. I can't wait to try making it again and see the difference when it's not overbaked.


Anonymous said...

I'd love to try this one...let me know if you need someone to eat your leftovers...=)

Mags said...

Tallgirl - I will save you a piece!