Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!!!

All the best to everyone in 2010! I’m not one to make resolutions but there are a few baking related items I hope make and perfect in 2010. There are still too many recipes I have been unwilling to try for fear of failure but hopefully I would have the courage to try in 2010.

I also hope to perfect my macaron recipe as it’s still giving me mixed results. The lemon macarons which I thought turned out well did not end up with the right texture. The texture I want is like the strawberry macaron pictured here. It should be delicate; thin enough so biting through is effortless. I was pleased with this result but decided it was a little too high, so I figured I had to fold it a little more the next time.

So when I made the batch of lemon macarons, I folded it a little more until the batter was a little flowier. Appearance-wise I was pleased with this macaron but the shell wasn’t delicate enough. It took a lot of effort to bite in and was too chewy.

I guess I need to tweak this recipe a little more to get the right texture and right appearance. I’ll probably take a break from macarons as I don’t need more egg yolks in the freezer.

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